Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This is why I run all the time.

Today, after having lunch twice, I ate a cookie that was 420 calories. I was at school and I had the pre-exam need to be chewing something, so I bought a 420-calorie oatmeal raisin bastard from the vending machine.

You know what else has 420 calories? A 5-oz steak! A quarter-pounder! Eighty-four baby carrots! Ok, that last one isn't really that impressive. I'd DEFS rather eat a giant cookie than my weight in baby carrots.

On the flip side, clocking in at a cool 90 calories are the lemon-fizzy-beverages Joel and I walked up to the IGA to buy, and then wanted to drink IMMEDIATELY on the way home, and had to pop the lids off of with my nail file, which broke the neck and cut Joel's lip. Should have just got sodas in cans.


Anonymous said...

it's very depressing to have to count calories
all the foods with ridiculous calorie counts and you wouldn't even know it.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say that you ran because there's loads of hot guys on the trails.
And that might be the only reason that I would take up such an activity.
Thanks for nothing.

Also, I love your blog.