Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This one derails quickly.

I bake cookies.

Eleanor helps.

Let the record state that when I am out and about with her in this, all her bits are tucked in. It's just, when we're wandering around the house doing stuff, a limb or two will fall out and she sleeps longer if I just LEAVE them. Don't judge me.

...While we're on the topic of not judging me, people need to stop obsessing over my baby's lack of hat. I don't mean you people, I mean real-life-stranger people. And they need to stop...you know what? No. They can go ahead and keep touching her. The only random strangers that touch her are, like, old Chinese ladies and grandpas and I am actually fine with that. Just, don't be touching her head to make sure that it's warm enough because she isn't wearing a hat, and then asking me where her hat is. The only things Eleanor tolerates on her head are a hoodie hood and, weirdly, pants, and it's spring and warm and I have her head tucked into the wrap and next to my body and also she is my responsibility. Seriously, people, stop asking me where my baby's hat is. I will shank you.


blackbird said...

So, bending over the oven with her strapped on works out okay?
With no hat?

Reading Rambo said...

Now I feel like I have to constantly be like BUT WHERE IS THE HAT?

Rhiannon said...

perhaps she is flailing because she's a baker in the making? She looks like she's helping to me. Also, WHERE IS HER HAT CRAZY WOMAN??!

Melissa Ward said...

Perri Klass (pediatrician who wrote a couple books about going through med school while having kids, etc.) once said (and I'm gonig to paraphrase) that strangers would stop her when out taking her son for a walk in his stroller to tell her the baby is too young to eat bagels and needs mittens. And then she'd reply that Benjamin hates mittens and loves bagels.

Morgan said...

Wait, are babies supposed to wear hats all the time? I mean, sure, today she did because it's snowing outside, but really?

Luckily I haven't left the house enough to be judged by strangers, I guess.

Anna said...

HA! I hope you keep your shank tucked into that concealing wrap with your hatless bebe :)

Elizabeth said...

The last time I went to Walmart people tried to touch the babies FOUR TIMES. I don't know why random people think they can just grab my kids' feet, but I don't go there anymore because of this phenomena.