You will have to excuse me for not blogging. I have discovered Twitter and cannot be torn away.
Before I fell into the twittersphere, I had what they call in the business a 'full weekend,' wherein I wrote a final on Friday evening and then booked it to the ferry and rolled into Burnaby to see my family, and receive generous gifts. The sandals are from my mom. As are the bunions.

Then we got up at 6:00 to drive to Chilliwack to have breakfast with two of Joel's friends, napped
hard at the Kruegers' due to 6:00 a.m. wake-up call, watched two become one (by which I mean, went to a wedding) and then partied hard, had brunch the next morning with friends, went to church with more friends and then had lunch with our old landlords and this tiny nugget of personhood...

who has become this rambunctious thing.
Now I have a week off of school, and many exciting plans such as take in some of Joel's shirts that don't fit him, have a few needles stuck in my neck, pit and freeze many pounds of cherries (also, give myself the squirts even though I am an adult and should know better), and register for classes.
Oh yes, and twitter like mad, because it's like a giant internet party in there.