And there are houses here, here, here and here...

And they are all very large houses with many vehicles. Many nice vehicles. These people have spoiled children. H'anyways, everyone has massive garages to house their sports cars and their wives' SUVs and their daughter's little Hondas, but they also have friends, so once in a while there will be a car or two parked on the street in the round part of the 'P.'
Now, we live here...

And 'we' is our landlords (1 car), me and Joel (1 car), and the three tenents living upstairs (3 cars), and so we park here, here, and here...And then someone's mushroom manure truck (???) is always parked here...
H'ANYways, a few weeks ago, this guy...
gets mad that people are always parking, not in front of his house, but ACROSS THE STREET from his house. His wife and daughter can't pull out of their massive driveway with cars parked there, he says. So he gets a can of paint, and paints the curb yellow...
thusly. This does three things: It looks trashy, because it is clearly an unprofessional job and yellow paint is dripping down the curb and pooling on the street; it encourages people to park there, because really, who ARE you? Are you the Mayor of Abbotsford and do you really think this is going to work? And, it prompted someone to phone the real City of Abbotsford, who then phoned this guy, and told him that he is not, in fact, the Mayor, which is probably why he is outside, pressure-washing the yellow right off that curb.
The moral of the story is something along the lines of 'know when you aren't the Mayor' and 'be content with your garage/driveway/front of house space and don't begrudge those of us who maybe have more vehicles and less space,' and did I mention that the road turns after this guy's house, thusly...
so that he actually has two sides of the house that he can park cars in front of? So, settle down there, tiger. 'Nuff said.
Update: The City of Abbotsford Bylaw Enforcer (for reals, it said so on her car) stopped by yesterday to make sure the deed was done.
I love your blog.
And you.
I will happily declare that I love you MORE if you go outside and say to the man, "So, whatcha doin?"
hahaha, I knew that guy had it coming to him. Painting that curb yellow actually encouraged me to park there. I was half hoping I would have a parking ticket or something on my window that day I parked there out of spite (even though many other spots were available for me to park in). Alas, no ticket was on my windshield......
Friggin manure truck. I parked behind it last time....probably a bad idea...
Word verification = farph. I thought that warranted a comment.
so i stopped reading your blog when school started A) because school = busy and B) because that is when I started playing Jetman.
I digress..
Was the man fat? Because when I picture an unnecessarily upset man I imagine him fat because that is the kind of man (and woman, accordingly) who would make me void a whole purchase just because the register didn't come up as a .13 cent discount on fully artificial cookies that'll only make him/her (and their children, too) fatter and unhappier, thus fatter still all because they suck and Zellers caters to the masses!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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