Sunday, April 13, 2014

At least I know she's grown.

(All photos blurry because toddlers are a blurry people.)

I've been trying some of Eleanor's summer clothes from last year on her to see if they still fit, and today I pulled some pink shorty overalls on her, and they were OBVIOUSLY VERY TIGHT.

I'm like, Are these a bit snug? And she says, I'm a smug slug!

And I'm like, That doesn't really answer my question. Are they too tight? And she goes, I will just wear them for a bit.

And then takes off.

So I let her wear them for the day, because we all have slightly uncomfortable clothes that we love. But as soon as they come out of the wash, they're going in the box for the next baby. Thank goodness I'm having another girl.

1 comment:

Reading Rambo said...

"I'm like, Are these a bit snug? And she says, I'm a smug slug!"
