Tuesday, August 15, 2006


someone slashed the outer pocket of my rockawesome satchel (read: mom-bag) while i was at the market yesterday, in the hopes that my wallet would fall out. luckily, my wallet is man-sized, and stayed put. still, that would have been a rotten way to end my trip. at least this decides for me the question of whether or not the mom-bag makes the return trip to canada.


the woman who inexplicably shows up on sunday afternoons to iron the boys' school clothes has a little dog named ninja, who is pretty much the cutest thing since kirby (you all know who i'm talking about...that video game where the pillow would eat things and spit them out at other things)...

only in thailand can you bring your dog (or infant child, or husband) to work with you.

the older kids at wat samet, particularly the ones in my classes, are pretty used to having a farang on the premises now, although they all still stop whatever they're doing and stare when brian's big green truck drives into the school. the younger ones, however, just can't get over it. every so often, they'll congregate in little clumps outside my doorway, and dare each other to go in and say 'hello.' sometimes, one of them will come in willingly, bravely, hand held out to be shaken. other times, they'll spend ten minutes trying to shove each other inside...


the boys had made a batch of beaded bracelets to sell to the Full Sail team, and the team leader, geoff, has requisitioned a whole batch more, promising to sell them when he gets back to california. a sight more profitable and less wearying (which we all condone, since they're all still sickish) than selling popcorn in the market, the boys have taken to bracelet-making like they were born to it...

i may be coming home with a batch myself, if bracelet fever holds. they make excellent gifts for your nieces!!!!


Robyn Bishop said...

The History of Kirby:

Mr. Masahiro Sakurai had the project of making a new Gameboy game, one for beginning gamers in which any player could reach the ending. During the production, he needed to create a dummy, until graphics and later code would be filled it. The dummy he created, was a funny smiling blob that soon became the star of the game. Everyone liked the funny little blob so much, they decided to expand on it.

The blob was first named Popopo, then later Kirby. Mr. Sakurai still can't remember how Kirby ended up being Kirby, and many people have come to their own conclusions. One of the most likely rumors: In the 1980's or so, Nintendo was faced with a huge lawsuit from Atari. This was the time period Nintendo was gaining popularity and rapidly, so this lawsuit was threatening to squash the existence of Nintendo. The laywer who played super hero and saved Nintendo? John Kirby. It is rumored that upon making trademarks and such for the game, a copy was sent to John Kirby who was humored and flattered.

raych said...

i have THE most educational blog!!!

alan.schram said...

Kirby was the second nintendo gameboy game I ever beat.


I never did beat Tetris.
