Friday, August 04, 2006


i would like to announce that i am the proud owner of a new 30-day visa...ergo...i don't have to go to cambodia. huzzah!

and also, THESE pretz are LARB flavor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! The larb is becoming extinct and should not be used on the shallow novelty of americanized salty snacks. I mean..

Larb (Thai ลาบ) or Lap is a type of Thai/Lao meat salad. It is most often made with chicken, beef or pork , flavored with fish sauce and lime. Laap made with duck or fish is also popular. The meat can be either raw or cooked; it is minced and mixed with chilli, mint and, optionally, assorted vegetables. The dish is served at room temperature and usually with a serving of sticky rice.