Our vacation was bookended by the Chilliwack Superstore (on the way there to pick up treats and eats, on the way back to re-stock our surly home-cupboards). Massive franchises like Superstore and Walmart are a bit of a head-trip: Every new one is enough the same to make you think you're in your old familiar store, but enough different to feel like you've stepped through some sort of space-time continuum. The Superstore in Chilliwack is laid out exactly like the Superstore in Abbotsford, but they don't carry certain things, like low-fat yogurt, and where the bulk foods should be, there's soda and chips, and I must have stood in front of the cheeses for ten minutes wondering if it could possibly be true, that cheese in Chilliwack only comes in sliced and whiz, before a man with an infant sidled up behind me and whispered, 'Looking for the hard cheeses? They're in back, by the deli' as though a block of mild cheddar were an ounce of cocaine.
Now watch as I switch subjects without a segue....whap-bam! Here I go! Our honeymoon in Mexico was awesome because, come on, we're in Mexico, and you can swim up to the bar. The accomodations were, however, a tad rustic. I knew that Joel had hoped for better, so I was pleased as punch when our Sun Peaks resort (who could go ahead and pay me now for this post, because I am about to rave, except that I can't remember the name of the place...Stone's Throw, or something) looked like this:
Lush, no? What you don't see here is that the entrance-way tiles were heated. As were the tiles in the fully-stocked kitchen (they had a SALAD-SPINNER, people! I never knew drying lettuce could be so much fun! Wheeeee!) and both the bathrooms. And the bathrooms numbered in the both's! We went for a run on Wednesday, and when we got back there was no 'you go shower, I'm going to stretch out for a bit...no, you shower, I want to eat first...no, let me shower, I have class in twenty minutes...quit hogging the damn shower, some of us have things to do!' because we could shower in tandem. Also what you don't see here is our flat-screen tv WITH CABLE, and when you don't have cable at home, being able to watch back-to-back episodes of Family Guy is almost as great as having a hot tub and BBQ on your deck. Especially if you've just crawled out of the hot tub on your deck to eat your BBQ'd burgers and watch back-to-back episodes of Family Guy.
And because it was a two-bedroom suite, Joel could practice the song-that-he's-playing-for-his-sister's-wedding-and-that-I-never-want-to-hear-again in one room, and I could read this book

He didn't.
Ok, so it's kind of disappointing to walk in my front door and not have heated tiles, and to have to wait my turn to pee, and to go back to eating real meals and not just Mini-Pepperoni-sticks and popsicles, but home is sweet home, and I am more than glad to trade this
You like Boggle?
Why did you marry that guy?
You should have married ME!
I love Boggle!
I have never been beat at Boggle.
I'm like, the Boggle Queen.
You do realize that this is a public blog? I take offense to your comment. I suggest you practice some sensorship in you comments
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