Hey everyone, guess what I did today! Come on, it'll be like a game! Not a fun one, like Ticket to Ride, but one of those boring games, like Yahtzee! Oh whatever, it was a trick question anyways. I didn't do a damn thing today. The busyness of the past few weeks, what with all the papers I had to write and the presentations I had to present, and the busyness of the next few weeks, what with all the PNE I have to go to and the visiting with my parents and eating of their food I have to do and the vacation I have to go on, has compelled me to take a personal day, a day in which I don't do a single thing I don't want to do. That's not totally true, because I didn't really
want to go to the gym, but when I got home, I left my stinking gym clothes in a pile on the bathroom floor for HOURS before I cleaned them up. And when I woke up, the kitchen was a horrible mess from our steak-abration last night, and IT STILL IS!!! And I haven't eaten anything today that doesn't fit into the tasty treats category (i.e. a bag of jalepeno-flavored popcorn, a pepperoni stick, some sweet things from the freezer, half a bag of Ritz chips, a baked good or two), and I haven't killed the spider on the wall, and I wore sweatpants all day! And not my cute, bum-hugging LuLu Lemon ones neither, but my
unflattering saggy grey ones! The ones that say Trees of Mystery down one leg, that my roommate in Austria gave me.
So, having done nothing all day (except walk down to Walmart to buy aforementioned Ritz chips), I will leave you with some pictures of things I did on other days to prove that I get out some.
Here is our burger-run-through, to make sure our habatchi worked and wouldn't blow up our steaks...

And here are our steaks...

And Joel, being several days into his sloth, finally set up his fish tank again...

and the fish are all bitty, but the one that you can kind of see on the left, Joel named him T-Rex, reasoning thusly: I am Joel's little T-Rex, due to my habit of walking around with my elbows bent and wrists held up around arm-pit level, Mr Burns-style, and I am also his little bat, since I am very nearly blind, and that fish there, he has no eyes, see, and by some bizarre A=B logic, the fish is blind and so am I and I am a T-Rex, therefore the fish is a T-Rex. As previously mentioned, however, I am waaaaaaaaaaaay better at naming fish, and I would have called him Stevie Wonder. Also, how hilarious is that, that the fish has no eyes? All he does is bump into stuff.
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