Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This post is about my dinner.

I made meatloaf last week and it was delicious but it turns out that a giant loaf of meat is too much for two people and there's really no time in the day when a leftover slab of meat sounds like a good time, so today I made a meatloaf pizza for dinner.  Experimental repurposement!  It was pseudo-delicious but it only used up maybe a third of the leftover loaf so we'll be having pasta and meat(loaf) sauce in the near future.

I swear tomorrow I will not leave this daily posting business until it's late and I'm annoyed because I took 42 minutes off to watch Glee and I always forget how I kind of hate that show now.  Tomorrow I will write you a post that wasn't about my dinner.  It'll probably be about why I can't quit Glee even though it sucks so bad.


alice c said...

I am reading this at lunchtime and I must admit that the image of meatloaf pizza has slightly taken the edge off my appetite.

alice c said...

I just realised - I am always being rude about your cooking - did I tell you that your Candy Corn Cookies were awesome? They were!